Tiny Meaningless Musings

I came across this blog today. It is a new attempt by a new poet. The attempt, at first, seemed to be nothing more than the frivolous act of maddening love at first sight. But, as I peeled it down further I realized one thing that the attempt might be naive but, it indeed conveys the real feelings of a real person who is talking in the simple language that you and me speak on daily basis. Yet, the entire thought process and feelings have been tried to be captured in a way that the real feelings neither do get hurt nor should they get mocked at for the person is a real tough guy. (I got this link through a chain of friends who claim that the person is not someone lame or someone who lives in a fantasy land). And, yet conveys the feelings in a lucid manner.

Feel free to add your comments or reviews about my blog or this new blog or anything you want to say about poetry.


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